Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to everybody! I hope you're all dressing up and being as crazy as Kelli. Haha

I'm really excited for tonight - I'm going to a party at my friend Cate's house, who graduated from Lee last semester. Then a group of my friends and I are heading over to Applebee's for half-priced appetizers late tonight. Yes, half-priced appetizers are a huge deal for poor, struggling college students...

I'll definitely be taking tons of pictures and posting them in the next few days. I started thinking about my Halloween last year, and I realized that time is flying by way too fast! It feels like it was just a few months ago or something. A few of my girlfriends and I went trick-or-treating in one of the guys' dorms on campus, which was so much fun! They were pretty much willing to give anything away, and we got tons of goodies...

Here's a pic of me and a couple of my friends from last Halloween. I can't believe how much we've all changed, just from one year. Ashley was a gypsy, maybe? I was a prep (I know, I know - how original...) And my old roommate, Carmen, was the devil....I'm not even going to say anything about that one...

This is me and one of my best guy friends here at Lee, Josh. He also happens to be Daniel's roommate. I think he was going for the "homeless guy" look:

So I haven't really figured out for sure what I'm going to be, which is sort of bad because I really only have a few hours to decide. But looking at my closet, I think my best bet right now is to be like a secretary/business woman. I don't know...

Thanks to all of you who gave me ideas for a birthday present for Daniel! I loved them all. Right now I think I'm leaning towards like a framed picture of us (is this cheesy or good?) and maybe like a new shirt or something. I think I'm also going to write a long list of all the things I love about him and print it out and make it look all nice. Haha, I hate that this is so hard to do! Anyway, I'm still wide open for suggestions...

And big news - I voted yesterday for the first time! I sent in my absentee ballot back to VA and I felt very official and important. Lol


Kelli said...

Are u an Obama Mama???

Kate said...

haha i'll never tell!

Mary said...

Love the hair!! It is good to see you check in.

Please no Obama!!!!