Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Survey Time!

I live: in a few places, depending on the time of year. Right now - Cleveland, TN.

I work: nowhere, but am currently applying anywhere that will let me fill out an application.

I smell: my shampoo.

I listen: to the radio mostly.

I hide: the good food I buy so that no one else in my apartment will steal it.

I walk: with my legs.

I write: all the time - taking notes in class, doing homework, constantly making to-do lists.

I see: my kitchen and one of my roommates.

I sing: really loudly in the car.

I can: make any statement into "that's what she said."

I watch: people. I don't have TV at school, so that's about the best kind of "watching" entertainment around.

I daydream: too much for my own good. All the time - in class, when I'm getting ready in the morning, driving...

I want: to graduate from college soon. I'm ready to move on.

I cry: whenever I feel the need to. I hate repressing tears.

I dream: every night and usually remember them, too.

I read: fun books all the time. (Not the kind Kelli reads - those scare me!)

I love: the sound my mini-fridge makes. It's so cute! Every once in a while it makes a little "boing" noise.

I rode: a bike one time. Awful experience.

I sometimes: talk to myself in the mirror to see how I look to other people.

I fear: having someone break into my house.

I hope: Daniel gets here soon to pick me up because I'm really bored.

I eat: not enough fruits and vegetables, but I'm working on it.

I drink: water and coffee. No more soda.

I play: with my phone when I get bored in class.

I miss: all of my family and my best friends.

I forgive: people who ask for it.

I lost: my nose ring, so the hole closed up. But I really want it back! Maybe over the summer...

I drive: a Honda Civic.

I kiss: Daniel.

I hug: my family and friends.

I have: a huge extended family and I love it.

I remember: going to Disneyland every year. Those were good times.

I don't: like when people misuse grammar.

I believe: that everything happens for a reason.

I owe: campus safety like $30 for a stupid parking ticket.

I know: what you did last summer.

I hate: when people drive the wrong way down the parking lot aisles.

I wish: I had the passion to work out all the time.

I wear: flip-flops all year round.

Maybe I should: do some homework.

People would say that I'm: not as shy as I seem at first.

I don't understand: how people can do horrible things to other people.

My past is: what makes me who I am today.

I get annoyed when: people whistle.

Parties are: much more fun when you know most of the people there.

Tomorrow: is my busiest day of the week.

Never in my life have I: ridden the bus to school.

When I was younger I: changed myself depending on who I was hanging out with.

When I'm nervous: I get shooting pains through my hands and I have to pee.

My life is not complete w/out: my loved ones.

If you visit my hometown: make sure you go to the Daily Grind for a Snickers Latte.

The world could do w/out: sharks and bugs.

If I ever go back to school: ummm, I'm hoping this is the last of it.

And, by the way: I get nervous when people ask me to explain my major to them. Sometimes I feel like I don't even know what I'm doing.


Jemmmma said...

That was great! I love the talking to yourself in the mirror to see what you look like. I'm going to start doing that. Oh and I drive the wrong way down parking lot aisles...sometimes it's necessary!

Kate said...

haha it's NEVER necessary!

Kelli said...

That was great Kate! Very cute and funny!
"That's what she said..." is the FUNNIEST thing ever! I also love doing that!
Sharks & bugs~right on!!!
Tell Daniel I used my gift card from him to buy the greatest book about 8 addicts and all of their raunchy life details. Ooooooh, I can't wait to start it! Life is good! haha
♥ you babe!
Smutha Mutha

Kiley said...

oooooo, you gave up coke? how long did it last? I just know that if you saw a nice cold can of Vanilla Coke you couldn't hold back! Lol! I know 'cause I'm there!